Monday, August 29, 2011

Happy Birthday to me!!!

I thought, since I start celebrating my birthday tomorrow, even though it's early, I thought that I would reward you all, my followers with an early celebration, too!

From now until September 30th, 2011, use the following coupon code to get a whopping 25% off your purchase in my etsy shop! Wowzers!! The mini code is only available to y'all now and will be made available to the public later in September. Get a fast move on things you want and look for new stuff soon!

And to make it even better, it's in both of my etsy shops!!!

Find my minis at LyssasBudgetMinis or find my real size paintings at LyssaWynCreations.

This sale includes discounts on my custom paintings!

Place an order soon to celebrate with me! The celebration being, of course, you get some rocking art and I get some genuine green dough. :D

Also, remember there are two more days to sign up for the giveaway!! Link is in the sidebar.


  1. Wahoo! Everyone loves a sale! And birthdays! And birthday cake! nom nom I am getting ahead of myself. Happy Birthday, Twin Pea!

  2. Happy Birthday!!! Have a wonderful day! =)

  3. Many wishes for a Happy Birthday!
    I visited your shop and I put the picture of the sunflowers of my favorites .. You will paint other subjects before September 30?
    I try a "subject" for a mountain home ...
    thank you for this opportunity, I cross my fingers for your give away.
    many kisses and best wishes, again!

  4. I will have more paintings, indeed. I actually have about 9 sitting on my desk that need posting. ha!

    Thanks for birthday wishes ladies!

  5. Happy Birthday!! I hope you have a fun and wonderful day.

    I wish you many gifts and kisses (^^)

    <3 Irina

  6. Happy birthday, a little late!

  7. A little bit late. Happy birthday-wishes from Craftland


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