Wednesday, September 15, 2010

She got skillz.... what James so cleverly said to his mom when I took all the recent stuff over to her house tonight. I feel fairly certain that line is in a BoysIIMen song.... or maybe it is the song..... Anyhoo, I have been doing some piddling here and there on stuff and made a few more things. Yesterday I steadily worked on paintings and I still have several that need to be framed.

I should be working on the RL sized painting, but I am to the point where I need to not be interrupted because I will be making custom colors. This is hard to accomplish with small children running amok.

Last night, I cut all the pieces and parts I needed to make a scrolling love seat and this morning, I put it together. That is it for now. Darling husband FINALLY brought home the jigsaw so I can get to work on cutting out some parts for the Highland. I should get back to work on that in the next couple of days.

I also procured some red leather from DHF. I think I will surprise him with a library room box for Christmas. :) That should be fun. This whole mini adventure is taking over my life!!!! But, I feel like it is getting the best of all my talents (not to toot my horn or anything) and I am enjoying myself immensely. :)

Till I have more!


  1. Love the paintings!... especially the 2nd to the left (top one)... It looks so romantic!

  2. Thank you, Ann! Sometimes mindless doodling yields wonderful creations!


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