I saw a posting on facebook that sparked a pretty fun conversation between some miniaturists in the online community.
I so NEEDED to see this!! There are so many times, that I, myself, compare my work to the work of my wildly talented friends and I feel a bit deflated... but when I go back and look at MY OWN work from 4 years ago, when I started, I feel like a rockstar!
I started in June 2010 with a few little bits here and there for my mother-in-law's Westivlle and then finally started on my own Coventry Cottage. I dove in, head first, without really reading any instructions and right out of the gate was ready to bash and smash.
Here is the first house:
Such a mess!!!! There are things that I loved about this original house.... like the stonework and such...but where was my brain when I picked these colors?? Except for the Bittersweet Chocolate. That was love at first use. ♥ I dabbled with different things in this house, but didn't really pay too much attention to realism or final finish, nor did I have ANY sort of finesse....
And then I moved onto the NEXT house.... my Artply Highland that I found on Craigslist for a mere $20. And it was in sad, sad shape.
This was the first house I took my time on. And I took so much time on it, that I ended up starting other projects and got totally over this one. Was just ready to move on... and here is where I left off.
Truth be told, I would love to find another one of these and start from scratch. I'm pretty confident, with what I have learned in my 4 years so far, I could make this house a beauty. It really is a gorgeous, gorgeous house. I'm ready to pass this one on to someone else, for now, though. Let someone else discover untapped potential and love for something new. :)
And now, 4 years later, I have loads more experience, have won awards and contests and have been published in a foreign magazine! Yay perseverance!!!
In case the point was missed, this post wasn't for me to brag about how awesome I am (even though I totally am over flowing with coolness), but to share with those just starting out that might think they aren't good enough to keep going or to compete with the likes of us others.... NEITHER. WAS. I. But just like anything else in life, it takes time, dedication and PRACTICE. PRACTICE. PRACTICE.
And this is for any new skill that you will try in this vast world of teeny tiny things. I need to remember that when I want to try to flock my own animals. So far, the early ones have been sccaaaaaaaaaarrryyyyyyyyyy. ;)