Saturday, November 24, 2012

Happy Holidays, from us to you!

Hopefully, those of you that celebrate Thanksgiving had a really yummy and totally fat weekend.  I know we did.  :)  I love all the left over pie I get to take home!!

Our trees are up.  Yes, trees. The kids each have one, I have one that I can be neurotic over and there is a white one-turned-snowgirl in our dining room.  :)  I will share all of the decorations with you in the coming days, but for now, feast your eyes on our trees!!!


  1. That is a great idea letting your boys each have a tree!

  2. I especially love the little ones. Your boys are adorable!

  3. Felicidades por dos hijos maravillosos, se les ve super felices con sus árboles, feliz semana:)

  4. Awesome trio of trees and beautiful babies!!!

  5. Tu decoración navideña es hermosa, tus árboles y tus hijos!
    Felices fiestas para ti también.
    Un abrazo

  6. The boys look cute with their trees! They look like happy children!

  7. I see too very happy little boys! What a nice idea.


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