Thursday, August 8, 2013

New Items Going in Etsy Shop

I got a bit of a Christmas and painting bug when I got back.  :)  All these are currently being listed in the store.  If you see something you like, and I am moving slow getting it listed, just send me a message and I will get it up there!

Christmas Village for the Mantle
 Christmas village for the mantle
 Sign for shelf or mantle
 hangable sign
 Bell wreath
 Dress painting, done in watercolor and ink
 watercolor and ink.  church on a hill
 water color and ink still life flower
 water color ink, icy lake
 water color landscape
 water color and ink dresses

 water color and ink farmhouse.

I had so much fun making all of these!  Sometimes, you need a little break from the bigger things.  :D


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Cyd! I'm hoping to get them into the shop soon, but it looks like it will be an after-school-starts-thing.

  2. Unos trabajos encantadores, las pinturas estan perfectas, fabuloso.
    Un abrazo.

  3. Oooo, pretty.

    I really like that little village.

  4. me encanta todo, es precioso



  5. Wow I really like the paintings! Especially the dresses =) Hannah


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