Hi all! I have been working hard on mini's but the computer decided to have an issue with me uploading pictures, so I haven't been able to post. This has put me behind on my Etsy challenge, which is quite sad. :( I will be mass posting those later today.
As for the giveaway. I had a blonde moment and I wasn't getting any email notifications of comments being posted, so I was living in a world of sadness thinking that nobody wanted to partipate. o.O Thankfully, this was and is not the case! Several people have commented, but I am behind on making something for it so I will be extending the time period from the 31st of January until the 5th of February. I will do the drawing on the 6th and post about it that evening. I hope to post a picture of the giveaway items later today. :)
I am excited about it!
I have been having trouble trying to work mini's into the new schedule, but I did manage to get a few things done. I pumped out two 1/4 scale houses! I am in love with the smaller scale. Being on such a tight schedule all day, I like to see results fast and these houses are perfect for that! Neither one of them is finished, but they will be put towards the accumulating inventory for the craft festival in December.
Bricks are printie paper and the shingles are 400 grit sandpaper. :)
Tile is srapbook paper and and so are stairs.
The tiny "Orchid" house. The roof and walls are made out of textured wallpaper and the plant is painted moss. Monogram paintings that I had been working on for Etsy.
Wow! 51 people interested in what I have to say! Or, at least 51 people that check in just to see pictures of my funtabulous work! :) Either way, woohoo!
Welcome to the new people, Golden Unicorn Miniatures, Minnie Kitchen, Eli en Karina, Val, ~MiniMaker and Snowfern. I suspect a few, if not all, of you will be seen in other places (TeamMIDS!! and CDHM). Please go visit the bogs of the new followers. Beautiful mini's of nature's finest await you at GUM; go drool over yummy zero calorie food in the Minnie Kitchen; fabulous things await you with ~MiniMaker's small obsession and Cindy has wonderful things at Snowfern Clover.
Now. I have a mighty post for you all! Some mini and some not, and I think, partly because of my fabulous mood lately and partly for 50 followers, I am wanting to do a giveaway!
So, where to start? I guess the Etsy stuff is a good a place as any. I am still doing the Etsy challenge and some days, it is really hard to crank out that piece! Which is why you end up with things like:
but other times, I didn't seem as pressed for time and came up with some cool things:
as well as my signature paintings:
Why so pressed for time, you ask? Woowee, I am smack in the middle of planning a wedding, too! :D Oh happy day! Add that to my already full days and a couple new friendships and it has been hard to get mini time. Rats! So, I have sacrificed a bit of sleep.
Here is a sneak peek at my dress (I am making/altering it myself!) So far, this dress has cost me $6. Seriously!
I have to figure out time stuff anyway because I will be starting a babysitting job on Monday that will require me to be up early and probably down early. Looks like I will have to make some stuff ahead of time!
I am also planning on participating in the craft festival here at the end of the year, and that means creating a sizable inventory. I'll be able to pull what is on Etsy for that, but I will need much, much more!
Thinking about this brought about the urge to paint the Coventry. I wasn't really happy with the original color scheme for some reason. I love the pineapple yellow, but maybe not for THIS house. I needed a color scheme that was flattering to the design and to the eyes of parents and children alike. I needed colors that would sell!
BEFORE: I went with a pale pink with hyacinth, chocolate and winter white trimmings. THIS I am happy with!!! I plan to finish up all the edgings and then sell it unfurnished since I will have plenty of furnishings to choose from (some specific to that house). It still needs the original grouting done on the tile and some cosmetics here and there.... this was the first house I ever did and I was too excited about having a dollhouse to do it properly. Now, taking all that I have learned from the miniature community, I hope to turn it into a beauty worthy of a little girl's smile on Christmas morning. :)I will also be making a few other houses and room boxes for the festival (Orchid, Glencroft, quarter scale village, several room boxes and *hopefully* a half scale something!) I will mostly concentrate on furnishings and accessories though, since they can be given as suitable gifts to anyone, whether they have a dollhouse or not. My easel and artist set could be perfect for an artist at Christmas! I will also include a magnet strip with the mini paintings so they can be used as decorative fridge magnets and miniature art. :)Now, for eye candy!!! Enjoy some pictures of the *new* Coventry Cottage. It's just the outside of it for now. I will show interior pics when I get it a bit more cleaned up. This post would have been much more detailed, but as I may have mentioned, I am pressed for time!!! And burning dinner!!!
I am feeling way to lazy to have a recap on making stuff for the 31 Days of Etsy challenge, so I will just share the new goods, but first: WELCOME to my 5 new followers! Woohoooooo!
They are De, Violet, Blue Kitty Minis, A Little More Minis and MrsPitStop. Glad to have you all here trailing along with my creativity. Those of you that are new, make sure to check the previous post for a fabulous coupon code good in my Etsy shop! And those of you that have been here a while, make sure to poke on the new names and go check out their blogs, too. We all like to have followers, friends and comments aplenty. :)
Speaking of my Etsy shop, there has been mighty an activity there! I renewed some items that I listed months ago and then there are a few new things since my last post:
I have since done a few paintings and made a fern. Oh, and I forgot about the art kit! Tonight will yield some decor for a certain lovey day coming up (if I ever get out there, that is) All of these are currently listed in my Etsy shop. Yay. So, this is what I have been up to for the last few days. Remember to go check out Ann's new stuff too. It's FAB.
So, we are into Day 5 of 31 Days of Etsy! I have a bunch of stuff going on, so I am glad that I have been able to keep posting stuff!
I have included an artist's box of colored pencils and, just tonight, an artist's portfolio made out of leather and wood. :)
In other news, since we are passed Christmas and the kids have, clearly, been spoiled enough... I would like to use monies from my sales to start putting a dent in my rather large wish list over at Ann's Etsy shop Amazing Miniatures!!! So, to encourage you all to buy and to reward you for being loyal (though quiet) followers, I am issuing a coupon good for the rest of the month. This coupon code will get you 25% off your entire purchase at my etsy shop. Remember, I will be listing something new every day, so check back often!
Coupon code so you can start enjoying: FOLLOWERREWARD1 ~Gets you 25% off!!!
Make sure to go check out Ann's stuff, too, so you can see what I want to get and maybe nab something for youself!
Hello everyone! I can't believe I managed to get the mini's done this weekend with all the hulabaloo going on. We had friends in town and went to visit family out of town, but I did get stuff done. Paintings have gone up (one spoken for on Greenleaf before I listed it!) and today I listed my third item- an easel.
But before I can tell you about that, welcome to my two new followers Eloise and Susi!!! Glad to have you on board!
It's made out of skinny sticks and is stained with oak gel stain (the kind you get at Michaels). I can stain them a variety of colors (oak, maple, walnut, mahogany, cherry, natural) though and am going to offer them in both "new" and "used" conditions. I think this will be the kick off for my art supplies to be found in the etsy shop. Very exciting! Remember to pop on over to my Etsy Shop to see details and pricing. Feel free to link and post if you wish. More traffic would be great! I try to sell the stuff to not only fuel my mini addiction/obsession/hobby, but also to have spare cash to play with my kids and do fun stuff!
Here is the little easel with a peek at another painting that will be listed:
I worked on this item, along with several others, last night. I was afraid I wouldn't have time to actually do it this weekend with friends in town and I wanted to stay true to the challenge. It would really stink if I failed right out of the gate!!!
I, like Ann, will not post here on the blog everyday, but make sure to go and check out my etsy shop for new pieces! Go check out Ann's stuff, too! I think I have to add her new bed to my *WANT* list. It would make another perfect addition to my Washington 2.0 when I do it....
I am really happy with the things I created. I think it was the calming inspiration of watching Julie and Julia whilst in the new environment of my craft room. :) We didn't do anything special, save share a kiss at midnight, and it was still a perfect night of mini's and movies. Yay!
To start off, I share with you a mini painting entitled "Girl's Night." It is an abstracty martini glass with olives all around. Hand stretched canvas on a frame and painted with acrylic. Measures 2 5/8" x 3 1/4". Others featured in there are just a few of my upcoming listings! Also, keep an eye sometime this month for a coupon code good at my etsy shop only for my blog readers!
Happy New Year everyone! Hope 2011 is full of fabulous things for all of you. :)