I have been missing in action since Halloween, it seems. :) But, there has been craziness trying to get the final things done for the wedding and I have been doing a bunch of Thanksgiving crafts with the boys. Add on top of that the fact that Brae, probably unbeknownst to her at the time, introduced me to Pinterest.
******This post has been in the making since before Thanksgiving... give you all an idea as to how busy I am?
HOLY CRAP!!! I love that site and it is probably a good thing that I didn't find it sooner. We have already cranked out a bunch of things that we found from there, a few, even, for the wedding.
Every holiday, the boys and I do a lot of coloring, but they weren't really interested in doing that for Thanksgiving. I guess, when you have colored one turkey you have colored them all. HA! I tried to find some other things for them to make and create. I only got pictures of them working this one day though:
They made this turkey at playgroup: It has thankful feathers. :) And it's adorable.
Charlie is thankful for dinosaurs, story time, E-y (Eli), Dad, Mom, stroller rides, Cayce and mashed potatoes.
Cayce is thankful for his family, friends, slippers, Charlie, Mommy and Daddy, happiness and I'll be darned if I didn't forget the last two...
Every year I do turkeys that track how much they have grown. When they get a little older and can appreciate it, I will put them all out at once. These construction paper ones are made by tracing their hands and feet. The feet make up the body and the hands make up the tail.
These painted ones are their palms and thumbs painted brown, whilst their other fingers are in other various autumn colors. This particular one is Cayce's.
The autumn tree is a finger painting that they did. I painted the trunk for them and then let them go to town with them. Too cute!!
Charlie's Autumn Tree Painting |
Cayce's Tree and Charlie's Turkey. Poke to see better!! |
. There are two other turkeys that were made- one is a hand print in a coloring picture and it sports the message "I made this turkey for everyone to see, that I am very grateful for how good God has been to me." The other turkey, Cayce colored in and we made the feathers that tell the story of Thanksgiving.
We have also baked various pies and breads and I went to Cayce's very first at-school-Thanksgiving. Eeeeep!! So cute. He made a little Indian/Pilgrim costume out of a paper bag. I loved it!
Cookies Cayce made for Thanksgiving. Idea also from Pinterest! |
I have taken a ton of things from Pinterest though. Mostly for Christmas. :) Ideas for a few wreaths and a holiday painting, plus crayon art! That was so much fun!
So here is the ball wreath made out of a wire hanger and about $5 worth of ornaments from the Dollar Tree.
I'll make a better one next year. :)
Here is a painted frame with a bow and a few dangling ornaments left over from wedding decor. LOVE PINTEREST!!!
A few crayon arts. One is for a very good friend of mine, for Christmas. She loves giraffes. :) Yes, I made a picture of a giraffe out of melted crayon. How cool am I?!?!?!
And probably my favorite thing taken from Pinterest is the pallet turned wall shelf. I adore it. It is so country and artsy at the same time. Love. IT.
What else has been happening? A lot of wedding stuff. I will post on some of that stuff later this week. We made some great decorations and favors. I am currently working on the bridal party gifts, one of which is a set of personalized coasters. :)
And then, on the side of all of that I have been working on a Christmas room box. No, I haven't finished the Orchid yet. I am so ADD when it comes to crafting. Ha! Distracted by sparkly new things, all the time.
***Side note, I am listening to the Christmas music station here in Florida and Cayce totally just recognized the Charlie Brown song and attempted to do the Snoopy dance. Yea.
So, this Christmas room box was created so that the lovely bright colored furniture I got from Brae would have a place to live. She sent them to me as a shower gift. :) Plus, we will have a post documenting the great fun we get to have decorating for Christmas! And soon will begin the nights of going to see Christmas lights.
Happy Holidays, everyone!