Monday, April 14, 2014

An Undersized Urbanite Update: Finished Rooms!

Well, minus the crown molding, because, that shiz is scaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrryyyy....I need to study up on it a bit more before I start hacking sticks apart.  ;)

The tween room is finished!  I will be adding molding before the deadline... and if I finish the punch needle rug by then (HA!) then I will add that, too.  It's busy and loud and fun and I love it.  :)

Had to inquire with some real tween girls about what posters to get.

Some little things that I had on hand and perfume bottles.  That little paper crane is from dalesq.  Soooo little!

Plant I got in the mini section at Michaels.  Whale is from Blondie.  Books I made.  Starfish from dalesq.  And that tiny little snow globe that actually "snows?"  From my dear friend, April.  That little mini is the COOLEST thing I have ever seen.

Butterflies are everywhere!  The light was from Brae.  

I got this desk ages ago, from Cyd at minimodpod, and I am so glad for it to have a home, finally!  Note the bean bag next to it!

A basket of teen girl magazines-Seventeen, Teen Allure, Cosmogirl and Tiger Beat.  hehehe

Also started adding details to the Man Cave, and I am loving how it is turning out.  LOVE!!!!  Need to run it by my actual man though and see if it is missing details.  Right off the bat, I think it needs a pipe.
 And he will probably say that the computer desk needs stuff and a better screen on the computer.

Man cave got a lot of goodies, and still more to come!

I knew, when I had the idea for this room, that it needed a globe or a giant map.  Giant map for the win!

I made all the books and the maps are printies.  Ship is from a spare Monopoly.  Flashlight from Brae.  And Robot from Dalesq. 

More books!!  Owl ends are from Jane at minifanaticus.  Binoculars and duck decoy are from Dalesq.  Platypus is from Blondie

Pillows on chair are from Brae.  Love the Man Rules poster.  The washed out poster to the left is a copy of an airplane schematic sketch.

Computer desk is Manor Minis, purchased via ebay.  I painted everything to look more realistic.  Still need to paint the body of the desk though... and fill in grooves.

I started adding things into the master bedroom, too.  And all rooms got the window trim installed.

I want this to be my room.  I love the subtle color and how sophisticated it looks. 

The dresser is doubling as a vanity.

Oh.  Beautiful.  ♥

I also finished the hallway entry.  Big love for this tiny space.  And a high five to the spring collection at Michaels, which is where I picked up that super fun laser cut wooden chandelier!  It completes the space exactly how I want it.
oops!  still needs a door handle!!


I love the design of this added hallway.  So glad I smushed it in here!

The kitchen has been slightly terrifying... I've only managed to put in a shelf and hang fun charms that I found that make great kitchen art.  Oh, and I made some small art to go in there, too.
I love the pass through, here!

As terrifying as it is to start the kitchen... I really canNOT wait until it is done and physically there.  I want it to look as great in reality as it does in my head.  :)

So what do we think?  Can I pull it off in time??!!

The porch posts are a long and tedious task, but I am already very happy with how they are turning out.  No pictures of those until I am done!

Still a lot to do, so better get back to it!


  1. I love everything! You have such a way with colour! This has to be a winner! It's exceptionally unique!

  2. Looking good! Looking good! I really like the pass through. You left one word off...realistic! The man cave is a little too neat to me. Maybe an article of clothing? The hall is great. I love the articles on the wall!
    Keep going you are on a creative roll!

    1. Thank you!! And don't worry! The Man Cave will be getting some dirtying up, for sure. :D

  3. Wowzers Girl! You've really done an awesome job! Good luck with the deadline, you always knock it out - you got this :D !!

    1. That's how I feel about it, but I don't want to get cocky and have it rushed or unfinished... not that a mini build is ever truly "finished"

  4. I'm sure you can pull it off on time and it is looking fabulous. You have some fabulous accessories throughout the house.

    1. Thank you! I certainly have more to come, too!

  5. I love it and all the details! You've do e so much work on it since I checked in last! Go, go, go!

    1. I got on a roll! Changing where I work has been a HUGE help. Plus, I have a tiny old dinosaur TV in there now, so I work during the shows that I would usually just be stuffing my face.... :)

  6. This looks fantastic!!! I'm so glad to see all of the little features, but the platypus is by far my favorite!!! Hahahaha!! You're doing great, and YES, you can do it!!

    1. The platypus is pretty freaking awesome. ♥ This is my new keeper house. So much I can add to it!

  7. I love it so far! I don't know what it is about that hallway, but it looks super realistic to me.

    I've barely started my entry, and even Christina commented that I could probably get the whole thing finished in time, so I have no doubts your house will be finished (and even more stunning than it is now) by May. :)

    1. Aw, thank you, Kyle! Chugga chugga. I can't wait to see all the entries! The day after the deadline, I will be posting up with a cup of coffee and devouring the mini deliciousness!

  8. me encanta todo el trabajo que has hecho , la habitacion de la joven es preciosa y llena de detalles , me encanta la ventana redonda de la cocina ,es muy original



    1. Thank you! I saw the round pass through in a design magazine a few months ago and it has just stuck with me. :)

  9. It's all looking fantastic. I really love the hallway area...the sort of hallway I would have in my own home. Good luck with the contest =0)

    1. Me, too! It makes me so happy to look at it. Fingers crossed that I don't ruin it when I attempt crown molding!

  10. las habitaciones son fabulosas!!! tanto en colores como en la distribución,llenas de maravillosos detalles que las hacen muy realistas!!! Un gran trabajo!!!

  11. Let me know if you need anything for the kitchen. Seriously...I'm am sooooo bored of egg cartons...would be happy to build you some appliances or an island or whatever.

    1. You are so sweet! I might take you up on that for a fridge!!! Adding something from a friend for the kitchen will force me to keep the bugger, too. ♥

  12. you are buzzin right along, I can't wait to see your kitchen :)

    1. Thanks! I feel better now. A lot of this work has happened in the last week or so. :)

  13. It looks great. I love all the little realistic details. The man rules make me laugh. Love the lighting too.

  14. Everything is perfect in this house. I really like the girl's room.

    1. I do, too! It's very different from the usual stuff I do.

  15. It looks awesome, Lyssa! I love the Tween room! So many details...that ceiling light, the posters, the little bottles. :-) The man cave is looking good too. Love the barrel side table and the chair. (Brae's pillows are great) and the rules. Love it!

    1. Aw, thank you! I have some even better details in the works. :)

  16. You can do it!!! I think my fave is the man cave rules and the butterfly light. It's looking awesome!

    1. Ha! A lot of those suggestions came from various men in my life and others were pulled from online. The butterfly light was given to me by Brae, too.

  17. Oh man, it looks fantastic! I love each room. We still have more than two weeks. :)


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