First of all, thank you for so many kind comments on Loblolly Westcott House. I really appreciate it and every artist needs ego fluffing. It's how we keep going!
There are so many great details of this build, and even more that I didn't get shots of. Big DSLR's take fantastic photos, but they aren't so great for getting into dollhouses. :) I'll try to borrow my son's camera and get some shots...
The bathroom in this house is the smallest room I have ever worked with! The walls are made from scrap wood from the pier kit and matboard. The door is two layers of mat board. The toilet in here is borrowed from Mt Ollopa. I used it for staging and then totally forgot to get another one... Good thing the Lodge isn't booked right now! The mirror is made with real mirror glass that I got from Michaels. It's a 2x3 section, and the frame around it is made from card stock. A few well placed layers of card stock and some wood glue and Vanilla paint by Americana and I got a pretty great mirror for above the sink.

The counter was scratch built from basswood and skinny sticks. The top is stained maple and sealed with a few coats of Delta Ceramcoat Satin finish. The basin is a bowl I had in my collection... it was white with some china blue flowers on it, but I threw some Robins Egg spray paint on it and some clear gloss spray. The faucets are made from jewelry findings. I made the vase and flowers, too. The tall skinny vase in the back was purchased from.... somewhere, most likely HBS.
I have been spending too much time with Brae! I event took the time and effort to make a drain pipe for the sink. I used a long hollow jewelry finding, heated it up and bent it until it had a shape I liked.
This light is custom made using a can light, a metal eyelet and a glass bead. I really love the way it turned out, and it's the brightest light in the house! The wall art is a scrapbook embellishment.
The kitchen turned out better than I could have hoped. That little sliver of light at the roof seam bothers me, but there seemed to be a lot of trouble for people getting the roof on. The cupboards in here are a mix of cupboards from a purchased set, Michaels hutches and an oops order. Teehee. The little shelves that are below the working doors there were meant to be kitchen counters....I ordered them to make my life easier. One was to be the kitchen island and the other was going to be a __________ in my other build I have going on (CC for HBS). I didn't pay close enough attention though, and ordered them in 1:24. So, improvisation!! All the dishes have been accumulated over the last 3 years here and there...
The tea kettle here was part of a kitchen set that James bought for me last Christmas. The range hood on is made from bass wood and painted in Gunmetal by Americana.
I loved getting to use the tile sheet for the backsplash! I studied a lot of kitchen layouts in home decor magazines and on HGTV and I think copper tin backs are right up there with subway tiles (which I will be doing in my UU). At home, I keep my most used utensils in a pitcher just like this. My mom kept all of hers in a wide mouth vase when we were growing up. She still does!
This trash can here is nothing more than a mouthwash cap! I took and old rag and rubbed Bittersweet Chocolate all over it and then cut the corner off a black garbage bag to make the liner. :)
I couldn't find small wooden letters that I liked and that weren't a ridiculous price, so I cut these out of mat board. :) I love it!
I ordered this mug holder from HBS. When it comes to you, it's a horrid brass finish. Blech. So I spray painted it with the same blue as the bathroom sink. :) MUCH better!
This great little cutting board here, was a gift from Jane S of minifanaticus (go there and see her super awesome SF2013 entry!)
I made the bread and the salad. The cutting board that the bread is on is just a sanded smooth piece of strip wood. I meant to make a knife, like the ones I made for Blondie, but never got to it.
This shot is from early in the build, before the roof was on. But I wanted you guys to see that the back finishes it off. I made the frame for the large mirror in the same fashion as the bathroom one.
The little Dollar Tree side board that could! This was the first piece I made for this build. I will do a construction post later for the things that I made. The clock and picture frame are charms for a bracelet. The candle piece is from Jane. Turtle is from HBS and the basket if from Michaels' Easter collection. The rug there is a sample of fabric wall paper!
One of my favorite shots. I was trying to get a picture of the armoire.... which is full of towels and books. On top, there are candles, books, flowers and a turtle bead that I painted white to look like milk glass.
One of the other things that will get a construction post is this fan light. I made it from scratch and it is so cool. :)
I love the outdoor shower. In the mockup, it was on the other side (the back) but that made the base SOOOOO big, so I moved it. In theory, it shares plumbing with the bathroom sink and toilet... so it makes more sense for it to be right here in that aspect, too.
I used two sets of privacy fencing to make the shower walls and stained them in maple. I tried to get some areas thicker with the stain to slightly weather and age the wood.
The shower head is made from an ear bud. I cut it at the very end of the plastic/rubber where the cord started. Then I took a skewer and sanded it smooth, before super gluing the ear bud to the top of it. The whole thing got painted with matte aluminum and then touched in spots with Antique Copper to rust it up a bit. The faucet handles are jewelry findings.
The little bench in here is made from left over pieces of the privacy fence. The towel is washcloth and the bottles are Battleship pegs.
I bought this bird feeder from Brae, of and then fashioned a shepherds hook out of some wire I had.
This patio set was a gift from a friend of mine. She found them at a yard sale for $1 and figured I would have some use for them, and I totally did! I made the flowers and the flipflops. I had the hat in my possession already. The martini pillow is from WhimsyCottageMinis on etsy (as are the other cocktail pillows). There is a bag on the far side of the loveseat and it was a gift from a miniaturist participating in MJ's world travels.
I made the beach ball from a ping pong ball and filled the pool with real water. The ice in the drink bin is 3 cut up suction cups.
I love that the door is ajar here. Not meant to be... just wouldn't fit properly.
Poolside solitaire. A printout from Jim's Printables. What a pain to cut out and assemble!!
Handmade flowers for the raised flower garden.
The cocktails were gifts from Blondie and they were pucrchased from EverydayGourmet.
I finally bought a couple resin dolls from HBS to check the sizes of chairs. I always worry that they are too big or too small, but it seems they are just right.
The table and fireplace are scratch built. As were the caladium plants and the fern. The stuff in the firebox is from mini swaps. I printed out the magazines, too. The citronella candle is from Brae's shop and she gave me the rusty patio furniture for my birthday. Lemonade from Blondie-bought from everyday gourmet.
I love "through the window" shots. :)
More pool goodness!
Made drains around the porch using parts of the latice fencing.
Hope you all enjoyed! Can't wait to tell you how things were made!!