Christmas Eve was spent with my parents. We had dinner and then I took them to see Christmas lights around Gainesville. We went to a house about 30 minutes away that has thousands of lights and you can get out and walk around them. We go every year and it is one of my favorite things at Christmas time. It was cold this year, so we were bundled up and had hot cocoa in a thermos.
When we got back home, the boys each opened a gift. They were supposed to be pajamas but I mislabled a package and Charlie opened his blanket instead. Oops! Then Cayce left out cookies and milk for Santa, along with a note. And he left carrots for Rudolph. I am kicking myself now that I didn't take a picture of that!!! Rawrg!
The next morning, what a surprise at all the gifts that Santa had brought!
There were many fabulous gifts given and received. Cayce loved his firestation (it's Charlie's too). My parents loved the bar and chairs I did (the projects I could not mention.) My sister got a lamp that I made and a bunch of framed photos from me, as well as a giant book of Italy.
The boy children got lots and lots of toys and books, which is to be expected. Some of my favorite gifts were a Dremel Trio, a Cricut Expressions machine, a waffle maker and final permission to plan a wedding for next year (ring is still pending since James and I never do anything in a traditional sense.) It was all in all a very great day full of laughter and joy, just as it should be.
And this is how I reacted to opening this gift. I am spinning on my butt like a top because I show little to no restraint when I am excited. =)
I would say I was happy!!!
After gifts were done here at my house, we all threw on our shoes, still in our Christmas jammies, and went onto James' parents house. This is where I got my Dremel Trio and James got an awesome shop vac. Such a pair we are!!!
His dad loved the library and I'm pretty sure it drew some tears. =) I have no pictures of this though since I was a dolt and forgot my camera. *sigh* We had yummy fat dinner whilst we were there and enjoyed playing with the kids and their new toys. The night was rounded off by one more trip around town to see the ligths. The boys had such a good time that they were both zonked out by 7pm!
Now, a few days later, all is cleaned up and packed away until next year. Cayce has already started his birthday/Christmas list for the next round. =)
Awwww I love your boys.. they are so SQUEEEE!
ReplyDeleteAnd lol YOU GOT A CRICUT! Congrats my dearie!
All in all, it looks like you had a lovely christmas. I'm happy for you!