I recently finished a project and started a few more. I finished the first project for a friend. Her son loves Cars and she wanted the characters for her room.
I am currently working on another commission for an old friend from high school. It is for her fiancees parents' anniversary. That one is taking a bit longer, but I am really enjoying it.
Tonight, James and I started on the fire station we are doing for the boys for Christmas. It's going to be a lot of work, but I think we can get it all done before the holiday next week. Here's hoping!
I rock the safety gear!
Working hard, but forgot to take an "after" shot. I'll do a before next time. :)
I still have a few other fabulous things to do... two large projects for my parents. Can't go into detail though, my mom frequents the blog. ;) Have a Christmas village to do for DHM. A library room box for DHF. Another unmentionable creation for my sister, whom also frequents the blog. Blanket for Charlie, which I will work on on Saturday/Sunday after Thanksgiving.
Which, speaking of! I will be second chairing with Jeremy Paul at the Craft Festival here in Gainesville. He does AMAZING scratch built houses. And I mean AMAZING. To die for work. You can see his website here (click the link) and you can see his miniature work at the Greenleaf Forum galleries here (click the link, but get a bucket and a towel first!). I get to see the MacKensie House and the Tudor. :)))))) I will probably spend the first few hours gaping at his work. I am ecstatic to be seeing his creations in person! There will be a post about it. Promise. And pictures by the tons!!
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