There has been a lot of stuff this week! First of all, I made my first sale on Etsy. YAY!! I sold the Autumnal Tree painting. It wasn't much, but I used the profits of it to snag a train for Cayce for Christmas. Some time before Halloween, I should get a Gordon and his tender. Cayce loves all things Thomas the Tank Engine. I actually have quite a list of trains that he wants... I need to pass that onto family members so we can start checking some of them off!
I got the package shipped out to Brandy, in North Carolina, on Thursday. I also sent her two extra goodies (another painting and handmade tissue box) along with a hand written "thank you" for being my first customer. She should get them Monday evening. Hope she likes them!
I also finished up the painting for Randi, in Kentucky, and the bonus painting and onesie. They got sent off on Thursday also. This is her extra painting:
Last night, I finally got up the... whatever it is I needed, to get the doors cut out for the Highland. I made quick work of it with the jigsaw and belt sander. Once they were cut and sanded, I brought them in and trimmed out the window holes with skinny sticks and filled in the tiny gaps with Elmer's Wood Filler. I love that product! It works a lot better than the crummy stuff in the tube. This product just gets smeared on with a little pressure and help from a pallet knife and then the excess scraped off. Works like a charm! I let that dry and then gave it a quick sanding and then two coats of Glidden Quiet Rain. The trim and design is painted in Americana Dark Chocolate and the door knobs are Houseworks with a wash of sterling silver on them.
I really like how it turned out. The paint is kind of a blue gray that picks up the blue tones in the stone on the silo. I think I will finish trimming out the doors a bit and make them non-opening, but removable.
I also managed to get the wood cut for the garage doors. The paint is drying on that now as I speak. It is getting the same colors as the front doors. I will try to post about that later.
On top of all the stuff with the kids today, I also managed to get some time in on the Creatology Puzzle House that DHM wanted me to paint for her. She will be gifting it to a young girl at the church for Christmas and requested Christmas colors. I think it looks like candy! I'm not sure if or how she would like me to do the inside.....
Once again, I have WAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY too many things going on though! I still have all the mommy duties of chores, errands, play groups, field trips; painting the puzzle house, DHM's birthday gift, Halloween costumes to make (decorations went up today).... You can tell that things are piling up by just looking at my desk:
The top is covered, things are piled up next to it and underneath it... the overflow is trickling onto the top of the Highland and then there is that part that looks like stuff flowing out of the drawer... NO. That is where I pulled the already full drawer out a bit to act as a shelf for that crap on top of it. *sigh* I NEED SHELVING!!!!! Note to self: when buying a house, make sure you have an adequate area for crafting!!!
James starts to object when my crafting supplies and projects seem to multiply and crawl across the house. If I had more than 12sqft, I might be able to keep it all under better control!!!
Anyhoo, I am off to finish the garage door! Maybe I will finish tonight. Pretty much have too since tomorrow is slam full of non-mini stuff to do. :(
Congrats on your first sale!... and I do agree.. you need shelving lol... your space looks a lot like mine hehe
ReplyDeleteWhy, thank you, thank you. I know! It's terrible, isn't it?!?! It only ends up looking like this when I don't take the time to clean everything off. The pictures of the house cleared off are because I piled it all onto the desk.. which has now been renamed "Leaning tower of Mess-ah" ahahahahah. :)