Tuesday, October 19, 2010

But Moooooooooommm, we don't wanna goooooooo!!!

That is how the night ended on Saturday as we were trying to convince the kids that we all needed to get going from Roger's Farm at 10:00pm. We had been there for nearly 5 hours!!! To say the least, they had a blast and certainly did not want to leave the fun or each other. There was lots of stuff for them to do and they never got bored.

First they took a ride on the "Cow Train" which is a tractor pulled contraption that looks like a string of cows. The "cows" are barrels on wheels.

Upon getting out, Cayce stopped to tell us how cool the tractor was and riding a cow is fun. :)

Then there was a mad dash over to the petting zoo. I always get excited when events advertise a petting zoo, but I am quickly disappointed when we get there. Many years ago, when I was a small child, petting zoos were big tents where all the animals wondered around and you actually got to pet them/feed them/pick them up. Those had everything from chickens to sheep to pigs.. and that is what I always expect. Somewhere down the line, I am certain that some dingbat parent didn't pay attention to their kid and this form of Petting Zoo is no longer allowed. Stupidity of adults irritates the crap out of me. <_< style="display: block; margin: 0px auto 10px; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; width: 240px; height: 320px;" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg1nLxArL5rg5fi9oPPq7sogXz-6d9QHLXqnA8uN83fms_-dv-5RydPbo3CsfNZQ5z-ZCyz5Az6DMnKdyuSxJF4jcSROJtOVgt0tUJ9HVW1BNbnmHXldqqM9y2i0R6zBmfqQ3BDESJt1-o/s320/PA160463.JPG" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5529800695893997874" border="0">

Then we washed up after petting the animals and went down the haunted trail, where we took a couple pictures with the scary stuff. We pointed out the the 3 big kids the Ultimate Time-Out Zone and they tried very hard to be well behaved.

Next was a "quick" run through the 10 acre maze in the corn field. The boys found an open dirt patch and ran around and rolled in it until they were ridiculously dirty. I got Cayce to hold still long enough to take a picture with me!

We took another run past the animals since a lot of them were now active and near the fence to pet. This time Cayce got to pet the pigs and the sheep, and he fed the goats. He also took his first pony ride! He has gotten over a lot of fears and anxieties this year. Just 6 months ago he wouldn't ride on a pony or pet any of the animals at the Circus!

To finish things up, we took a hay ride around the farm and went to get pumpkins. Charlie really liked sitting in a little pile of hay. Cayce picked out his own pumpkin and then found the weensiest one for Charlie. I tried to get their picture taken in front of the hay display, but there was too much going on and Charlie kept trying to eat his pumpkin!

Then it was back on the hayride to the festivities. They both seemed to thoroughly enjoy their pumpkins!

We let them take another run around all the fun stuff for them to do and snacked on some expensive carnival food (fries and corndog) before we called it quits for the night. They probably could have kept going, but the adults were whooped and ready to kick up our feet for the night. :)

1 comment:

  1. Your children are so cute! Looks like it was so fun!!! I love the pics of the kids in the dirt- they look like they are having such a great time getting dirty :)


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