Monday, May 5, 2014

The Big Reveal: A 2014 Undersized Urbanite Update

I did it!!!  By the hair on my chinny chin chin, but I DID IT!!!!!

Here is the completed house!

I can't get over the porch.  I love the brick posts.  I had gone for a jog in a close neighborhood and saw a house that looked very much like this and it was love at first sight.  ♥
The wreath on the door was made last minute from some moss and dried flowers.  The welcome mat was purchased in a lot on ebay sometime ago.

 Gnomes!!!!  ♥ ♥ ♥  So hard to paint!!  I need to get a really fine detail brush, and then I will put faces on the little dudes.
I love having these two resin dolls.  They are perfect for checking scale of items.  And are great for weighing down cushions that I'm not sure I want to keep there...  HAHA!
The completed interior:
Starting with the hallway.  I swear I had straightened this picture out.... musta forgot to save it.
The mirror is made out of 1" square mirrors from the craft store, and trimmed out with wood I had left over from last years Spring Fling.  The hall table is made out of an eight light window, some porch trim and wood scraps.  I saw something similar in a design magazine and LOVED it.  
 The tall sticks in the pink vase are a gift from Jane.  I made the yellow ones in the orange pot.  The blue pot was purchased from Brae Oktober for my Spring Fling.  The newspaper was a gift from Jazzi.  The laser cut chandelier is from Michaels.
 I love this little chair and the packages sitting on it.  Perfect spot for a mail dump.  :)

 The Man Cave!
 Since the last time I wrote about this room, I added some trash and some post it notes, that I cut from actual post it paper.

 The Master Bedroom:
The art work was hand painted and the print on the right is just a bit of scrap book paper glued to mat board.  The pillows are a mixture of made and purchased.   The black pillows in the back are actually play scale, but are perfect for European pillows in 1:12!
 Love this bed!  The suit jacket is a Jolee's scrapbook sticker.
I painted the dress art on the wall and then put two sunflowers in a jewelry finding, which looks great as a metal wall vase.
 A mouthwash cap filled with fabric passes as a hamper full of dirty clothes.
 This kitty was a birthday gift from Brae last year.  The rug was made using the same method that she uses- printing on fabric with an ink jet printer.

The Tween Room:

 This room is so fun and full of so many fun, fun things!!

The Attic Craft Room:

This room has a lot of handmade stuff in it.  Good craft stuff is hard to find, and when you do find it, it can be costly.  I don't have time for that!  Some of my miniature water color paintings are in the corner along with some rolled up canvas and paper.
 A work table holds a box of paints, some scrapbook paper, a pen (LOVE IT!) and a clipboard.  Seems like some planning might be going on....

 A chest is overflowing with fabric and sewing patterns!
 This shelf is made from the top portion of the Michaels hutch used to make the tv shelf in the man cave.  I found all the art supply printies at Jim's Printables.  There was a bit of tedium in cutting up paper and fabric and gluing printies together, but that time spent is what makes the scene!  The pencil sharpener, which I adore, is also from a lot I purchased on ebay.
 A painting in progress.... I would love to add some fine art supplies to this table.
 A dollhouse is being worked on!!  You can't see it until it's finished.  Shhhhh!  Also, a paper rack!
 What?!?!  That picture folds down into another work table?  Pinterest is so awesome.

And the room that everyone has been waiting for, I'm sure....  

The Kitchen:  Finished, in all its glory.  With burnt out lights.  HA!  I will fix those in the future, but there was certainly no time for it today. :/

Soapy dishes, waiting to be washed.  Coffee brewing.  Magnets on the fridge.  The magnets are painted alphabet noodles.  Woot!!!  Thanks for the inspiration, April!
 I found a thimble that was missing the important part-sad fingers!-and turned it into a fun light cover.  The clock on the wall is made out of a button!
 There was  a GIANT lot of kitchen goodies on etsy in a totally random shop. I bought it of course, and most of the goodies in here, came from there- Ivory soap, yellow canisters, sponge, bottle brush....  The drawer pulls on the cabinets are staples and the knobs are beads and headpins that I painted silver.
 I love the combination of grey and white.  Such a calming kitchen, and bright and airy.
 Tiny tin foil!!!
 I left the glass off the cabinets since I made them non-opening.  Want to be able to get my accessories out if need be!
 Probably my favorite corner of the kitchen.  I love the pot rack over the stove (I intend to add a spice shelf directly under it at some point).  The tiny Kitchenaid SLAYS me.  Love it.  It came in a funky creme color, so I painted it Apple Tart.

I hope you enjoyed the tour the my Undersized Urbanite entry!  I can't believe all this time has gone by already!  Though, it will be nice to take a break and work on something a little slower for a bit.  Remember to go to the Undersized Urbanite website and check out the other entries-they are fabulous!!


  1. Fantastic job! The details are incredible, and it looks so homey and cozy. I'll be right over to hang out. :)

    1. Thanks! I'll whip up some snacks and prep the craft room!

  2. Hi Lyssa, congratz on finishing your entry for the contest, it's looking amazing. The garden gnomes! I love the two gnomes! Hug AM

  3. wow, I really like the brick work and the thimble lamp is very cute :) is that the vampire diaries on the little tv in the man cave? super cute!


    1. Thank you! And, yes, it is. :) My husband loves that show. shhhhhhhhhhh ;)

  4. *clapping* Bravo, Lyssa! It looks amazing. I have so many favorites, but the kitchen and craft room are the winners for me. You are so creative in all of the details you've added. Thank you for sharing your tips and finds that you used in this house. Best wishes on the contest!

  5. Wowza Lyssa, you didn't miss a single detail! Your house looks amazing! It looks like a real family lives there! Great job!!!! I adore all of your paintings!

  6. Lisa, your house is amazing! I love all the details. One can see the attention and love you have put into everything. I would not touch those cute gnomes as they look like they've been through a few storms and it makes them look more realistic. Your kitchen is to die for! Each room in that little house is unique and so full of life. Surely you have a winner here, Lisa! Congratulations and thanks for the fantastic eye candy! I always enjoy looking at your work.

    1. Thank you! You are too kind! Fingers crossed for the win!

  7. The kitchen circle window, actually, the whole kitchen, is so wonderful! The backsplash looks great and that window....oh that window!!! Sooo nice!!
    Best of luck! :)

  8. me encanta , un trabajo asombroso ,



  9. Such a beautiful house! I love the gnomes of the porch! And the hallway looks very cosy, the hall table is great!! And the kitchen is wonderful! I love the window with a shelf in the middle =)
    I just love all the rooms, great work, with great details! Like the dress-painting in the master bedroom, wonderful!!

    1. Thank you! I'm very into the details. And I will keep adding more over the years. :)

  10. I can't get over all the cuteness. The kitchen is my favorite too. I probably drove my husband crazy last night when I first looked at it, stopping to show him each picture. :) Fantastic job, Lyssa!

    1. Bwahahahaha! Thanks, Christina! Hope your hubby was pleased, too!!

  11. My comments trials keep getting errors ;(

    Alright another try!!

    Its amazing Lyssa, you always put so much fantastic work and detail into your builds!

    As always a artisans effort!


    1. Thank you, Jane. I love your build, too. The things that come out of your head are insanely awesome and I wish I could work with clay the way you do!!

  12. I love your house! Everything looks so real. The entry hallway seriously looks like something you'd see on Pinterest.

  13. This is absolutely gorgeous! The little realistic details are my favourite - from the dirty dishes to the pizza on the table. Great job!

    Anna (My Design Ethos)

  14. I knew you would make it on time. Fabulous job. I love the way you create items like the shelf in your hall from bits and pieces and find inspiration on Pinterest to create interesting items. Good to see there is a craft room tucked in there with its fabulous fold down table and your water colour paintings. I have to say I really like the man cave. Great use of colours throughout.

  15. Hi Lyssa! Your dollhouse looks so realistic, I love every bit of it! You've done a great job and just in time ;)!! ! There is so much to see, lots of lovely details and miniatures, thanks for sharing!


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